Even worse, at work it can be hard to get simple stuff done, like getting a travel request approved, an expense report paid, finding the right data, document, person, conference room, report or chart. 更糟糕的是,在工作环境中一些简单的事也会变得异常困难,比如出差申请的审批、报销,以及要找到需要的数据、文件、人员、会议室、报告或报表等等。
Don't worry about the hard stuff for now; get your head around the basics, and you'll soon build up a whole arsenal of Ajax tools. 暂时先不用管那些难点,掌握好基本的东西就行了,很快我们就会建立一整套的Ajax工具库。
In fact, senior developers don't get that much better at predicting the hard stuff; they get better at guessing that mysterious hard stuff will eventually rear its head. 实际上,资深的开发人员在预测那样的“硬骨头”方面并不会做得更好。他们只是更相信,那个神秘的硬骨头最终会出现。
One thing you can do is make it hard to check them remove them from your browser quick links/ bookmarks and stuff them in a hard to access bookmarks folder. 你可以让自己很难去查看它们把它们从浏览器的快速链接/书签上移出,放在很难找到的书签文件夹中。
11. Get the hard stuff done first thing in the morning. 11.早上首先完成困难的事情。
I ended up working so hard to pay for the stuff that I didn't have time to meet girls. 于是我努力的为拥有物质去工作,结果却是因为我太忙而没有了时间去结识女孩子。
Typically, it was really hard for me to explain to people what kind of design stuff I worked on, but Steve got it right away. 一般来说,我很难向别人解释清楚我做的设计,但史蒂夫一下子就听明白了。
It is hard to resist al the yummy stuff at the dinner table when you dine out. 外出吃饭时,很难抵制餐桌上美味食物的诱惑吧。
St Patrick was said to have proclaimed that everyone should have a drop of the hard stuff on his feast day after chastising an innkeeper who served a short measure of whiskey. 据说圣帕特里克曾训斥了一位卖威士忌缺斤短两的酒馆老板。此后圣帕特里克声明每个人在他的宗教节日都应该喝一滴烈性酒。
The impulse to hoard bullion as a hedge against inflation is one that many seem to find hard to resist, but the notion that the world is running out of the stuff is not. 储存金条来抵御通货膨胀,似乎是许多人都难以抵制的冲动,但黄金快要用光的想法却并非普遍存在。
Hopefully we'll keep progressing and working hard in training and doing the stuff on the pitch. 希望我们能继续进步,努力训练。在场上说话。
You any Idea how hard It Is to get hold of this stuff? 你知道收集到这些货有多困难吗?
They thought that the life used nothing else but cheat it, kill it, and even avoid it as far as possible, disregarding its existence as if it were a hard job, or an item of inexpensive stuff. 他们以为生命的利用不外乎将它打发、消磨,并且尽量回避它,无视它的存在,仿佛这是一件苦事、一件贱物似的。
It's so hard to take the trouble to wrangle all the stuff together the night before, but it really pays off. 虽然要在头天夜里把一切东西都准备好真是太难了,但真地有好处。
Philosophy is hard stuff to read. 哲学是很难读懂的东西。
The hull plating kept out most of the hard stuff. 船身板能抵抗大部分的烈性原料。
Oh, it's so hard to get rid of stuff! 噢,要丢弃自己的物品太难了!
Well, if you really wanna get drunk tonight, I'd stick with the hard stuff. 如果今晚你想大醉,我建议来点烈性酒。
It was made from aluminium alloy, a kind of hard material, which can prevent the stuff you want to hold from being stolen. 它是由一种安全的材料&铝合金制成的。这种材料能很好地保护你想加密的物品。
Considering crushing efficiently hard and abrasion proof stuff, JCE series crusher adopted international advanced technology is the first choice. 考虑有效地粉碎硬耐磨材料,JCE的系列破碎机采用国际先进技术是第一选择。
The only thing on henderson's hard drive is domestic stuff. 亨德森的硬盘上只有一些家用的文件。
We have to continue working hard because in a short competition like the Euro it's the small stuff that determines matches. 我们必须持续刻苦地训练,因为在像欧洲杯这样的短期比赛上一些小的细节就可以决定比赛的成败。
That's not enough, Captain. You any Idea how hard It Is to get hold of this stuff? 钱不够啊,上校。你知道收集到这些货有多困难吗?
The digital age is changing all that-practically overnight, the study of human behaviour and social interactions has switched, from having virtually no hard data to drowning in the stuff. 几乎是一夜之间,对人类行为和社会交往的研究由原来毫无像样的数据可言一下子转变到了资料数据浩如烟海的程度。
Yet their decision to include some of the hard stuff leaves open the possibility that some readers might actually engage in the slog that leads to higher pleasures. 然而,引用一些难的东西的是否可以让有些读者有实际参与进来产生更大的快感还有待商榷。
I'm the heterogeneous system, soft stuff, hard stuff, liquid stuff. 我是非均匀系统,有软的物质,硬的物质,液体物质等。
This shit is so hard for me, this emotional stuff. 感情的事对我实在很难。
This is different from the hard disk, which is where files and stuff are permanently stored. 这个和硬盘是不一样的,那是存储,文件之类的东西的。
Characters series and Things turn star move, sweep, in the late 1970s, some hard stuff vanished. 物转星移,大浪淘沙,上世纪七十年代后期,一些坚硬的东西烟消云散了。